How do I mark the ballot on October 4?

One week from voting on the Kenai City and Kenai Peninsula borough ballots and it is time to find the voter booklet that came in the mail and become informed about how to mark the ballot.  This afternoon the five candidates for Kenai City Council participated in a KSRM Candidate Forum.  The topics of the discussion  included:

  • airport land sales;
  • future economic development;
  • the comprehensive plan;
  • bluff rehabilitation;
  • Any upcoming marijuana votes.

The discussion made apparent that if the voters want to see changes on the City Council and the administration will be necessary to vote for candidates that are not a continuation of the current administration.  Two of the candidates on the ballot are Planning Commission members.  It was obvious the planning commission members believe the small business community is being served as best as possible by the city administration with knowledge and skilled staff personnel. When ask about the one thing that could make a difference in economic development, there was no offer of seeking resident input from the planning commission candidates or increasing the level of discussion with business owners.

In addition to needing council members that will seek to make changes in the city interaction with the residents, council members that have a moral compass (Jason Floyd and myself) and are willing to vote that way will also be a critical addition.  As I mentioned in my closing remarks, I will vote according to the law, but not opposite Gods  leading.  Therefore, Jason and myself on the ballot on October 4  will provide more of what you are seeking in a mew city council .

It has been offered that a survey would be useful to find out more specifically what causes the breakdown in communication between the small business community and the city administration.  Perhaps a new mayor and new city manager, completely changing the chemistry of the city of Kenai, will be the difference that is needed.

On the  ballot where  the  voters select new council members, a new mayor will be selected.  In this scenario of developing communication with the residents of the city, a mayor practiced in integrating the interests of the residents, beyond just listening to what is being said, will be an advantage.  Various sources reveal that this is more than likely the current Vice Mayor.  I know that sounds like keeping the current administration, but the Vice Mayor has been transparent in his approach to bring issues to the council.

Well, there you have the skinny on marking the ballot for the Kenai City Council positions. Let me get back to you on the Kenai Peninsula Ballot.

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